To manage the instruments (contracts) you want to trade in Tradesyncer, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Navigate to contract management In the main menu, click on "Contract Management" to open the section where you can manage your available contracts.
Step 2: Find your desired contract In the "Available Contracts" section, search for the contract or instrument you want to trade. You can filter or scroll through the list to locate it easily.
Step 3: Select and import the contract Once you’ve found the contract, select it and click the "Import" button. This will add the contract to your list of tradable instruments.
Step 4: Start trading with the imported contract The contract will now appear in the "Imported Contracts" section and therefor in the Cockpit when you click on "+ Add" button a list will open only showing the contracts you imported, select one and start configuring your copy trading settings for that specific contract.
You can start placing trades on this contract with your lead account immediately and copy the trades to the active follower accounts. Keep in mind the contract has to match exactly! Meaning you can't trade continuous NQ contract if you imported the quarterly NQ contract etc.
Step 5: Removing a contract If you want to remove a contract, ensure you have no open positions on that contract. Once all positions are closed, you can remove it from the "Imported Contracts" section.
By managing your instruments through Tradesyncer, you can easily add or remove contracts and keep your trading setup streamlined and efficient!