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Advanced orders (ATM > Bracket & OCO orders)
Advanced orders (ATM > Bracket & OCO orders)

Advanced Order Explanation

Written by Tradesyncer
Updated this week

Bracket/OCO orders in Tradesyncer


We are excited to announce that ATM (Automated Trade Management) > Bracket Orders / OCO (One-Cancels-Other) orders are now supported with limitations in Tradesyncer please make sure to read how they are supported right now to understand! Brackets will be fully implemented as soon as possible.

How it currently works


  • TP and SL orders will not be immediately copied if the leader's entry order has not yet been filled.

  • Once the entry order is filled on the leader account, the corresponding TP and SL orders will be copied to the follower accounts.

OCO Orders

  • OCO orders will copy immediately to your followers, when one gets filled the other will cancel.

Managing orders

Tradesyncer supports seamless order management across follower accounts:

  • Modify Orders – Any modifications to TP or SL on the leader account will be reflected on the follower accounts.

  • Cancel Orders – If the leader cancels an OCO/bracket order, it will also be canceled on the followers.

  • Fill & Exit Trades – Followers will execute trade exits as soon as the leader's corresponding order executes.

How to set a Bracket and OCO order

OCO and brackets are supported on any platform, but since Tradovate and TradingView are the most used we figured showing an example for these platforms.


  • OCO/Bracket functionality can be found under:

    • Advanced Order Strategy > ATM / OCO


  • Bracket/OCO orders can be configured within the Trading Panel on the right side of the screen.

Advanced ATM Strategies

  • More Advanced strategy’s within ATM like trailing orders are not supported, these strategies can only be used on specific platforms like NinjaTrader.

  • Trailing stop orders: Dynamic stop-loss orders that adjust with the market are not available.

  • Trailing stop limit orders: A combination of trailing stops with limit conditions is unsupported.

    If you have any doubt about your strategy and order execution being supported then please reach out through Discord.

Need help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team through the Tradesyncer Help Center or Discord community.

We appreciate your feedback as we continue to enhance your trading experience!

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